We’re making a difference
Hi my name is John and I farm our family farm alongside my wife Megan and our three children.
We farm full-time together with our hardworking and diligent staff who come from our local community and are invested in keeping our land and animals healthy. Megan is a teacher at our local primary school. All of our children are still attending school. The whole family consumes and thrives on our own milk and beef and we live on our farm where our livestock is raised.
My background has not always been in farming. Prior to farming I was an Environmental Scientist working in the identification, remediation and toxilogical risk assessment of contaminated land and groundwater. I worked all over Australia for many different industries. I became uncomfortable seeing corporates talking the talk and saying that they were sustainable using very slick promotional videos, whilst, in reality, they were doing the bare minimum and pushing the can down the road for future generations to deal with whilst making record profits.

I decided that I wanted to do something where I can actually make a difference. I came to the realisation that some of the people who are best placed to make significant improvements to the environment (and, as I also discovered, who can conversely have detrimental impacts if done poorly) were farmers. I grew up in rural England on a few acres where we had horses and a few rare breed cattle and I always wanted to be a farmer, so this career change greatly appealed to me.
I started farming in 2007, in a conventional way at first, but as I learnt more I quickly became uncomfortable with use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and antibiotics. Whist these products have official withhold periods after which they are deemed safe for human/animal consumption, my previous personal experience as a scientist on the ground told me otherwise. A one-off use may indeed be safe, but what about repeated use of these products and the cumulative effect known as bioaccumulation? I’ve done enough toxilogical assessments to know what level of these chemicals I would personally be comfortable consuming – NONE. As someone once said, ‘You are what you eat ate!’.
Knowing this made it an easy decision to convert to organic farming.
The very best for our animals, our land and our customers
Certified organic and regenerative dairy and beef farm in Sheffield, Tasmania.
Organic Dairy
Our farm is centred around our Certified Organic Dairy.
Our dairy operation uses no artificial chemicals. So this means no synthetic fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, hormones or pesticides or other nasties.
We operate a grain free dairy so our cows only eat organic pasture, hay or silage. They are rotationally grazed year-round on multi-species organic pastures that contain a variety of grasses, herbs and legumes enabling them to selectively graze for the minerals and nutrients that they require. Our cows live and eat as nature intended – outdoors and grass fed.
Milk produced from our Certified Organic Dairy is currently sold to a processor where it is made into Certified Organic baby formula.
We have had many requests from people to buy our raw organic milk. Unfortunately, current legislation prohibits us from selling or giving away our milk to anyone other than a licensed processor. We regret that therefore our milk is not available for direct sale to the public (sorry!).

Organic Beef
Alongside our Certified Organic Dairy we also raise Organic Grass Fed Beef.
Similar to our dairy cattle our beef cattle are raised from our own stock on our Certified Organic Farm.
Again, our beef cattle are 100% organic pasture fed. They are rotationally grazed year-round on multi-species pastures containing a variety of grasses, herbs and legumes enabling them to selectively graze for the minerals and nutrients that they require.
Our cattle are grown slowly so they can mature naturally, producing a minerally dense, flavoursome, leaner type of beef
Whilst our beef cattle are raised to the same standards as Certified Organic animals on a Certified Organic Farm, we are unable to say that the meat is ‘Certified’ Organic. For meat to be labelled Certified Organic it must be slaughtered and packaged in a Certified Organic abattoir. Unfortunately, there are no Certified Organic abattoirs currently operating in Tasmania. Therefore, we have decided to use our local abattoir to support local employment, limit food miles and especially to minimise transport stress for our cattle.
We sell our Non-Certified Organic beef by the box, delivered by us directly to you. Please see the Meat tab for more details.
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About the farm

How we farm